Monitor rehab patient recovery and satisfaction.
Lower hospital readmission rates
Increase patient referrals
Increase satisfaction & CMS 5-star ratings
Efficiently interact with home care agencies
Our best-performing customers have seen
Connect when it matters.
Get critical feedback when it counts
New Patient (Surveyed: 3 and 10 days after admission, while in your facility)
Be aware of and address satisfaction issues of patients before they leave your facility, resulting in higher post-discharge satisfaction scores.
Discharged Patient (Surveyed: 24 hours, 48 hours, 7 days and 21 days, after discharge)
Monitor the recovery of your patients post-discharge and get notified immediately of any issues, thereby reducing hospital readmissions. Gain insight of home care quality and responsiveness.
Multiple survey delivery methods leading to 80%+ completion rates.
Know instantly when concerns arise.
Use our dashboard to easily digest the large volume of data gathered.
Powerful and intuitive. Comprehensive and specific. Insightful like none other.
Easily zoom out to see the overall quality of your facilities, or zoom in to view and compare different departments and sites. Or zoom in even further to see who said what.
Share results with hospitals – driving additional referrals.
Mine real-time insights all year long.
Drive meaningful results by investing only an hour a week.
Access our extensive nationwide peer data from the senior care industry to see how your results stack up.
Lead with foresight and mitigate risk.
Up and running in no time.
We make onboarding easy, provide upfront training and ongoing support. Our dedicated customer success team will help you set a baseline, define goals and develop a plan to get there. The best part is it only takes a couple hours of your time, and we do the rest.